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Barcelona is preparing its bid for the ILGTA Conference in 2022

Turisme de Barcelona attends the ILGTA World Conference in New York to prepare Barcelona's bid

20-06-2019 | Barcelona LGTBI

The consortium was invited by the IGLTA (International LGBTQ+Travel Association) Foundation to attend its conference in New York with a view to hosting the event in Barcelona in 2022.

Five subjects were discussed during the session including the evolution of destinations; the differences between different travel niches; the diversification of products and services geared to the LGBTQ + community; and the challenges faced by owners of LGBTQ + businesses at emerging destinations.

LGTBI tourism is the fastest-growing segment in the tourism industry. According to the WTO (World Tourism Organization), it accounts for more than 3% of tourist numbers on a worldwide scale and 15% of tourist spending. LGTBI visitors travel three times more than heterosexual ones throughout the year, staying at the destination for a longer period of time and spending three times more than heterosexual families.